I’m born and raised in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and got in touch with photography at a young age influenced and supported by my father who was an enthusiastic hobby photographer. Followed a 2 year professional photography school (Fotovakschool) in the late seventies and was determined to be a professional photographer (which never happened) but the love for photography never really faded. At that pre-digital time, the interest was mainly shooting concert photo’s of local and international rock bands playing in The Netherlands at that time and Formula 1 race photography at the Dutch Zandvoort and Belgium Zolder race circuits.

Like many others I switched from analog to digital photography at the end of the nineties and lost interest in serious photography for several years. In 2014 while scanning my old medium format and 35mm color slides I re-discovered the quality of analog film photography and all the concert photo’s I shot in the seventies and the fun started again. Right now I think I have found a good balance ‘working on film and digital photography using a couple of great vintage cameras in 35mm and large 120 medium film format, my digital Fuji X-Pro or even my iPhone while traveling … you can find me also on Twitter and Instagram: @janvandergaag

Feel free to send me a message or if you want to order good quality prints for reasonable prices …

Jan van der Gaag / Rotterdam | The Netherlands ~ contact: janvdgg@me.com